Dratsang Building Project
Continuing Excellence in Education

Since 2005 Dzogchen Monastery, South India, has seen the arrival of many novice monks from Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet who have travelled to the seat of the lineage to receive specialised training in the authentic ritual practices.
The monastic community now totals around 200 monks and is expected to continue growing over the coming years. In the dratsang [ritual centre] many monks share rooms and some novice classes have been held outside, due to a shortage of space.
His Eminence Dzogchen Rinpoche plans to improve and expand the dratsang as a matter of priority by constructing a new two-level building with additional accommodation for 150 monks, new classrooms, a teaching hall, new bathrooms and toilets.
With sufficient funds the new dratsang will include the following essential features:
- The building structure will be a reinforced concrete frame (slabs, columns and beams) to ensure strength and durability.
- This design allows the possibility to add more floors in the future should they be required.
- All internal and external walls will be brick with cement render providing excellent insulation from both temperature and noise.
- Steel frame windows will provide protection.
With your help we need to raise 1,098,000 Euros so that Dzogchen Monastery can continue to provide an appropriate living environment and quality educational facilities for the dratsang novice monks, the next generation of leading Dzogchen practitioners.
You can donate to the Dratsang Building Project by contacting Dzogchen Monastery or your nearest Shenpen branch.